Health and Safety Policy

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  1. Our Policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees, providing appropriate tools, equipment, operational processes and safe systems of work covering all our activities.
  2. Our management accepts the responsibility for applying the above and for providing information, instruction and training to achieve this purpose.
  3. We plan to minimise the risks created by work activities, products and services and to secure involvement and participation at all levels.
  4. We will assess risks to safety or health and implement all actions shown to be necessary.
  5. Should any of our activities endanger the health of any employee, such activities will be monitored and where necessary, arrangements for health surveillance made.
  6. Other people may be affected by our activities, e.g. visitors, neighbours, contractors etc., and our management accept the responsibility to provide appropriate levels of safety for them.
  7. Our commitment to this policy will assist us to develop a positive health and safety culture throughout all areas and activities.
  8. All Sub Contractors will be required to comply with all current Health and Safety legislation.

AD Gas Services recognises its responsibility to secure the safety, health and welfare of employees. This safety Statement specifies the arrangements made for this to be carried out, including available resources, the names of responsible persons, the co-operation required from employees, consultation procedures and available information.

The Quality Representative will review this Statement and Policy annually.

It is important that this Statement is read and acknowledged by all employees. It willl be presented at induction to new employees and made available at all times thereafter.

All employees need to know about:
The Health and Safety Policy
The structure and system for delivering this Policy
The risks in their work activities that apply to them
Where applicable, The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, most importantly Part 3 which covers the Health and Safety duties and roles of designers and contractors.
All employees will receive induction training. Such training will cover Fire-Procedures, Warning Systems, actions to be taken on receiving warning, locations of exits/escape routes, evacuation and Assembly Procedures, First Aid/Injury Reporting Procedures, names of First Aiders/Appointed Persons, issue of protective clothing/equipment and its use, instruction under COSHH, compulsory protection areas, thorough instruction applicable to their particular duties at work etc.
Training needs will be reviewed as a result of job changes, promotion, as a result of new activities or new technology, following an accident/incident and as a result of performance appraisal. Records of training will be kept for all employees.

It is the policy of AD Gas Services to co-operate with representatives of recognised Trade Unions or those elected as representatives of employee safety, so that Health and Safety can be promoted and controlled effectively.

Performance a) Planning

Our aim is to minimise the risks created by work activities. We will use Risk Assessment methods to decide priorities and set objectives for hazard elimination and risk control. Wherever possible, risks will be eliminated or minimised by the use of physical control measures. Where this is not possible, systems of work and personal protective equipment will be used to control risks.

Performance Standards will be established and performance measured against these.

b) Measuring Performance

The success of action taken to control risks will be assessed by thorough investigation of any accidents, ill health or incidents with the potential to cause harm or loss. We will aim to identify the underlying causes and take corrective action to prevent recurrence.

c) Auditing and Reviewing Performance

Safety Arrangements will be regularly audited, and regular reviews of performance will be carried out by management with the objective of continual improvement of policies, systems and procedures.

8. Resources

The Owner recognises that Health and Safety is a management function equal to any other and will provide sufficient financial resources and competent people to carry it out. The organisation and responsibilities are detailed in the following sections 9 and 10.

The Owner recognises that Health and Safety is a management function equal to any other and will provide sufficient financial resources and competent people to carry it out. The organisation and responsibilities are detailed in the following sections 9 and 10.

Jabbran Sajjad is responsible for the organisation and implementation of the Health and Safety Statement.

To be efficient and effective in controlling risks we need to co-ordinate the activities of managers and employees to ensure everyone is clear about what they are expected to achieve.

Specific responsibilities are listed below. Managers and employees identified as having specific health and safety responsibilities and will be held accountable for their performance.

The following persons have been allocated key areas of responsibility:
The person responsible for allocation of sufficient resources for this policy to be carried out is:
The person/organisation responsible for ensuring the monitoring of safety performance and reviewing of the Health and Safety Policy is:
The person/organisation responsible for communicating the Health and Safety Statement to employees is:
The person/organisation responsible for Health and Safety Training and recording that it has taken place is:
The person/organisation responsible for ensuring that all required Assessment Duties are undertaken is:
The person/organisation responsible for maintaining Accident Records and dealing with Reportable Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences is:
The person/organisation responsible for Fire Safety is:
The person/organisation responsible for monitoring and maintaining First aid Supplies is:

Responsibility of Employees

There is a duty on all employees to take care of their own safety and that of others while at work. Co-operation is also required in using suitable protective equipment or clothing provided to safeguard Safety and Health and to enable the company to comply with the law.

All our employees must comply with the Safety Rules contained in Section 11.
In addition, the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 places legal duties on all our employees.
These are:

  1. To take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
  2. To co-operate with Management to enable the employer to carry out his legal duties or any requirements as may be imposed.
  3. Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse, any item provided in the interests of Health, Safety and Welfare.
  4. To use machines, equipment, dangerous substances, transport equipment, means of production of safety device provided by the employer, in accordance with the training and instructions received.
  5. To inform the employer or any other employee with specific Health and Safety responsibilities for fellow employees.
  6. Of any work situation where it is considered that the training and instruction received by themselves or a fellow employee, could represent a serious and imminent danger to their Health and Safety, and
  7. Of any matter where it is considered that the training and instruction received by themselves or a fellow employee, could present a failure in the employers’ protection arrangements for their Health and Safety, even where no immediate danger exists.

This section of our Health and Safety Statement specifies the safety rules in operation, which employees must adhere to. These rules are prepared in accordance with legal requirements and acknowledged safe working practices. In addition to the legal duty imposed upon employees to comply with these rules, failure to observe them will be considered to be a breach of the Contract of Employment and will result in disciplinary action being taken.
It should also be borne in mind that a breach of Health and Safety legislation by an employee is a criminal offence and an Enforcing Officer could take action against an individual.

A) Working Practices

  1. Employees must not operate any item of plant or equipment unless they have been trained and authorised to do so.
  2. Employees must make full and proper use of all equipment guarding.
  3. Employees must report to management immediately any fault, damage, defect or malfunction in any item of plant, equipment or tool.
  4. Employees must not clean any moving item of plant or equipment.
  5. Employees must not leave any item of plant or equipment in motion whilst unattended unless authorised to do so.
  6. Employees must not make any repairs or carry out maintenance work of any description unless authorised to do so.
  7. Employees must use all substances, chemicals, liquids etc. in accordance with instructions.
  8. Employees must observe all pedestrian and vehicle controls in force on the premises.
    1. B) Hazard Warning Signs and Notices

    Employees must comply with all hazard and warning signs and notices displayed on the premises.

    C) Working Conditions and Environment

    1. Employees must make proper use of all equipment and facilities provided to control working conditions.
    2. Employees must keep stairways, passageways and work areas clear and in a clean and tidy condition.
    3. Employees must dispose of all rubbish, scrap and waste within the working area, using the facilities provided
    4. Employees must use the correct methods when removing any articles of waste for disposal.
    5. Employees must clear up spillages or liquids within the work area.
    6. Employees must not pollute watercourses, sewers or drains with chemicals or substances.

    D) Protective Clothing and Equipment

  1. Employees must use all items of protective clothing and equipment provided as instructed.
  2. Employees must report any damage, loss, fault or unsuitability of protective clothing or equipment to their supervisor.
  3. Where hazardous substances are involved, all employees and sub-contractors will wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and safety goggles and follow all necessary handling guidelines detailed in the manufacturer’s data sheets provided with the substances. It is the responsibility of each individual employee to adhere to the guidelines provided by the substance manufacturer in their data sheets.
  4. COSHH guidelines must be followed at all times and particular attention should be paid to minimising the risk as much as possible.
  5. Any mishandling or misuse of any hazardous substances by any employee (including sub contracted staff) will not be tolerated.

    E) Fire Precautions

    1. Employees must comply with all laid down Emergency Procedures.
    2. Employees must not obstruct any Fire Escape Route, fire equipment or fire doors.
    3. Employees must report any use of firefighting equipment to their supervisor.

    F) Company Transport

    1. Employees with company vehicles must carry out regular checks of their vehicles, paying particular attention to tyres, oil, radiator water and windscreen wash in accordance with the manufacturer’s manual.
    2. Employees must not drive or operate any vehicles for which they do not hold the appropriate driving license or permit.
    3. Employees must not carry unauthorised passengers or unauthorised loads.
    4. Employees must not use vehicles for unauthorised purposes.
    5. Employees must not overload vehicles above the stated capacity.
    6. Employees must not drive or operate vehicles whilst suffering from a medical condition or illness that may affect their driving or operating ability.

    G) Accidents

    1. Employees must seek medical treatments for any injury they may receive, no matter how slight it may seem to be. Upon returning from treatment they must report the incident to their Line Manager.
    2. Employees must report all accidents and dangerous occurrences to management as soon as it is practicable.
    3. Employees must notify management of any incident in which damage is caused to property.

    H) Health

    1. Employees must report to management any medical condition, which could affect the safety of themselves or others.
    2. Employees must co-operate with the management on the implementation of the Medical and Occupational Health Provisions.

      I) Rules Covering Gross Misconduct

      An employee will be liable to summary dismissal if he/she is found to have acted in any of the following ways:

      1. A serious or wilful breach of safety rules
      2. Unauthorised removal or interference with any guard or protective device
      3. Unauthorised operation of any item of plant or equipment
      4. Unauthorised removal of any item of First Aid equipment.
      5. Wilful damage to, misuse of, or interference with any item provided in the interests of Health and Safety or welfare at work.
      6. Unauthorised removal or defacing of any label, sign or warning device.
      7. Misuse of chemicals, inflammable, hazardous or toxic substances.
      8. Horseplay or practical jokes which could cause accident.
      9. Making false statements or in any way deliberately interfering with evidence following an accident or dangerous occurrence.
      10. Misuse of any item of equipment, utensil, fitting/fixture, vehicle or electrical equipment.


      1. Fire Evacuation

      This section outlines the arrangements and responsibilities for evacuation in the event of fire.


      All employees receive instruction and training in the procedures to be followed in the event of a fire

      As part of the fire arrangements, a person has been nominated who is responsible for Fire Safety planning/fire precautions,

      Evacuation Drills, fire appliance checks, Fire Alarm tests and record keeping

       Fire Evacuation Drills will be arranged by the nominated person twice per year.


      Upon discovering, hearing the fire alarm or being notified of a fire,


      1. Telephone the Emergency Services by dialling 999
      2. When the Operator answers, ask for the FIRE SERVICE and give the telephone number:

                                                    07404 355260

      1. When connected to the Fire Service, state slowly and distinctly:

                                      “This is AD Gas Services, we have a fire”

      Do not replace the receiver until this information has been correctly acknowledged.

      1. Evacuate the building by the nearest available exit and proceed to the assembly point.
      2. Initiate a roll call for employees and visitors.
      3. Liaise with the Senior Fire Office, giving information concerning: a) location of fire
      4. missing employees/visitors
      5. location of dangerous chemicals/substances
      6. location of services isolating points
      7. Liaise with the Senior Fire Office before re-entering the building.
      8. Ensure that all discharged fire extinguishers are replaced.


      All employees should leave the building by the nearest available exit and assemble At the rear of property

      A roll call will be held, to ensure all persons are accounted for, an no one is left in the building. Do not delay leaving the building by collecting personal belongings.


      Please assemble at the location identified above where a roll call of visitors will be held – it is important that you do not leave the area before notifying the Senior Person present. Do not delay leaving the building by collecting personal belongings.


      1. Ensure that the FIRE SERVICE has been summoned
      2. Initiate a roll call for employees and visitors
      3. Inform the fire service of the suspected or actual location of the fire, any missing persons, any dangerous substances presented service isolation points, e.g. gas mains/valves, electricity etc.
      4. Do not re-enter the building until told that is safe to do so by the Senior Fire Officer.
      5. Ensure that all discharged fire extinguishers are replaced.
      6. Keep a record of the incident.

All injuries no matter how minor should be treated and a record made in the Accident Book.

  1. The injured person reports for First Aid Treatment.
  2. The First Aider enters the details of the injury and treatment in the Accident Book and enters a serial Report Number on the Accident Report and stub. The Report is then removed from the Accident book and passed to the responsible person noted on the front of the book.
  3. The responsible person will decide what actions are necessary (if any), carrying out an investigation and recording details on the form if appropriate.
  4. The responsible person will notify the Health and Safety Authority immediately if the injury results in absence from work of more than 7 days. The report for incidents within Great Britain should be submitted to the HSE through an online report form at http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/report.htm

For incidents that have occurred in Northern Ireland reports should be submitted at http://www.hseni.gov.uk/contact-us/report-anincident.htm

  1. The responsible person will notify the Health and Safety Executive immediately by telephone if a fatality or major injury occurs.

     In Great Britain the Incident Contact Centre can be contacted on 0845 300 99 23 (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm) For a major incident, where immediate action is required the duty officer should be contacted on 0151 922 9235.

     In Northern Ireland the Incident Contact Centre can be contacted on 0800 030 0121.

     A major incident should be reported immediately to the Belfast HQ of the HSENI on 028 9024 3249. 14. First Aid Arrangements

A trained First-Aider or appointed person, first Aid equipment and records are provided.

Displayed throughout the premises are notices, which details the following:


        In the office building & Work Van


        In the Office Cabinet

  1. In the event of requiring the Emergency Services dial 999.
  2. When the Exchange Operator answers, ask for the appropriate service.
  3. When connected to the required service, state slowly and distinctly

                          “This is AD Gas Services

Give the telephone number: 07404 355260 State the need, e.g.

“We require Police assistance”    “An Ambulance is required”

  1. Give details of the incident.
  2. Do not replace the receiver until this information has been correctly acknowledged.
  1. The responsible person will notify Health and Safety Executive immediately if a specified dangerous occurrence takes place, which is not reportable by consequent death or injury.

    Great Britain

    The specified dangerous occurrences are listed on the HSE website  http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/dangerousoccurences.htm

    For fatal and major injuries only, the report can be made by telephoning the Incident Contact Centre. Call 0845 300 99 23 (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm). 

    For a major incident, where immediate action is required the duty officer should be contacted on 0151 922 9235. 

    Northern Ireland 

    The specified dangerous occurrences are listed on the HSENI website http://www.hseni.gov.uk/riddor_booklet.pdf 

    For fatal and major injuries only, the report can be made by contacting the HSENI on 0800 0320 121 or completing the online form at http://www.hseni.gov.uk/contact-us/report-an-incident.htm 

    For a major incident, where immediate action is required Belfast HQ of HSENI should be contacted on 028 9024 3249.

  1. The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require that a formal Risk Assessment is carried out to determine the risks associated with our working operations. The assessment needs to identify risks both to employees and to any other person who may be affected.

    We will carry out a formal risk assessment and record the following:

    1. Any significant sources of harm (hazards) to Health and Safety identified during the assessment.
    2. Any existing control measures currently in place and their level of effectiveness in controlling those risks (with reference and access to work manuals or other documentation if appropriate)
    3. The persons who may be affected by the risks identified, in particular any personnel who may be especially at risk.
    4. The decisions taken as a result of the assessment.

    A competent person will carry out the risk assessment.

    When a hazard is identified and the risk assessed, the necessary arrangements will be decided and put into effect to protect safety and health, including removal of the hazard, control measures, safeguards or the provision of protective equipment.

    1. Any significant sources of harm (hazards) to Health and Safety identified during the assessment.
    2. Any existing control measures currently in place and their level of effectiveness in controlling those risks (with reference and access to work manuals or other documentation if appropriate)
    3. The persons who may be affected by the risks identified, in particular any personnel who may be especially at risk.
    4. The decisions taken as a result of the assessment.

    A competent person will carry out the risk assessment.

    When a hazard is identified and the risk assessed, the necessary arrangements will be decided and put into effect to protect safety and health, including removal of the hazard, control measures, safeguards or the provision of protective equipment.

  2. To reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people, clean objects and surfaces you have touched, using your regular cleaning products. Do this on entering the property, whilst you are working and on leaving the property.
  3. Only use your own pen and do not share it with others, do not use other objects belonging to the householder whilst working in the property.
  4. Maintain good ventilation of the area you are working in; keep windows open if possible.
  5. At the end of your visit make sure that you take all personal belongings and tools with you, bag any waste, including any cleansing wipes etc. you may have used, and take it away with you. Dispose of any bagged waste in line with business process and/or Government guidance.
    • Remember to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • You should wash your hands regularly whilst in the property or use your hand sanitiser.
    • Reduce the spread of germs when you cough or sneeze by covering your mouth and nose with a tissue, or your sleeve (not your hands) if you don’t have a tissue.
    • You should bag the tissue and take it away with you when you leave the property. Once you have bagged the tissue, you should wash your hands using soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds or use your hand sanitiser.
    • To reduce the risk of infection, clean objects and surfaces before you start work, using your regular cleaning products Do this on entering the property, whilst you are working and on leaving the property.
    • Do not use or share pens or other objects whilst working in the household.
    • Maintain good ventilation of the area you are working in; keep windows open if possible.
    • At the end of your visit make sure that you take all personal belongings and tools with you, bag any waste, including any cleansing wipes etc. you may have used, and take it away with you. Dispose of any bagged waste in line with business process and/or Government guidance.
    • When leaving the property, you should wash your hands using soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds or use your hand sanitiserWhen leaving the property, you should wash your hands using soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds or use your hand sanitiser.

      What should I do if the householder won’t maintain a safe social distance when I am in their property?

      Before starting work, explain to the householder about the Government’s social distancing and hygiene requirements that need to be in place for you to work safely; for both your and their safety.
      Agree a fixed time for arrival and/or that you will telephone when you arrive so you can be let in safely with minimum contact.

      Explain the need for social distancing; advise that where possible, a minimum of a 2m distance should be kept from those working, ask the occupants to stay in another room, away from the work area(s) whilst the work proceeds, if possible.

      If the householder does not maintain a safe social distance, remind them of the current government guidance and advise that if they do not maintain this, you may be unable to continue your work.

      If householder still does not maintain a safe social distance you can choose to leave the job (ensuring any unfinished work is left safe).

      If you have an employer, they should have a policy in place to cover this scenario; they should discuss this with you before you attend the property. If you feel that your employer is not supporting you to maintain a safe social distance, then you can raise a concern using the HSE contact form.

      Can I use the bathroom in a house I am working in?

      Only use the householder’s own facilities where it is absolutely necessary and after gaining permission from the householder. Disinfect door handles, taps and toilets before and after use and ensure that you wash your hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds; use hand sanitiser if you cannot wash your hands. Consider carrying your own hand-towel with your equipment. Wash/replace your hand-towel at end of each day/shift.

       I’ve been asked to carry out work in a household that is self-isolating/has COVID. What should I do?

      If the work is routine, i.e. is not emergency repair work, this should be postponed until after the period of self-isolation/risk has passed. The period of isolation will be at least seven days; further information on isolation periods can be found at:


      If the work is to carry out an emergency repair (for example to make a gas system/appliance safe, or ensure heating and hot water is available), then this work can be carried out. Safe social distancing and good hygiene will need to be maintained throughout the work. You should ensure that you/your employer has a detailed conversation with the household in advance to:

      • Consider the details of the job to be completed, this will allow you to plan ahead and bring all tools, equipment and parts required, minimise the time spent at the property and avoid the need for multiple visits to the property.
      • Discuss how the work will be carried out to minimise risk for all parties.
      • Agree a fixed time for arrival and/or that you will telephone when you arrive so you can be let in safely with minimum contact.
      • Advise that where possible minimum of a 2m distance should be kept from those working and that social distancing must be maintained as far as possible, including when waiting for the customer to open the door.
      • Ask the occupants to stay in another room, away from the work area(s) whilst the work proceeds, if possible.
      • The social distance and hygiene requirements during your visit. All members of the household should stay a minimum of 2 m from you, and preferably in another room. Anyone with COVID or any COVID symptoms should remain in another room for the duration of your visit.
      • Ask that households leave all internal doors open to minimise contact with door handles

      On entry to the property you should:

      • Wash your hands using soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds. Consider carrying your own hand-towel with your equipment; wash/replace your hand-towel at end of each day/shift.

      Where facilities to wash hands are not available, hand sanitiser should be used, and you should always carry this with you. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol.

      I’ve been asked to carry out work in a household where there is a person who is extremely clinically vulnerable/shielded. What should I do?

      What the Landlord must do: You should consider the balance of risk presented by the gas system, with the risk to your tenant’s health. Your assessment should consider factors such as the age, type of appliance, previous maintenance/breakdown history and date of last gas safety check etc. In some situations, this assessment may indicate that the work/gas safety check should still go ahead

      • If, after completing this assessment, you are satisfied that delaying the work/gas safety check will not put your tenant at risk, you should contact your tenant to inform them that you will delay completing the checks. You should keep records of the action taken and keep the situation under regular review, bearing in mind the factors stated above.
      • Where appropriate you must arrange for the gas safety check to take place as soon as possible after the isolation period has ended and be able demonstrate that you have taken reasonable steps to arrange and reschedule the check. We strongly advise that you keep records of all communication and correspondence with the tenant, including emails and text messages if applicable. If, after completing this assessment, you feel that delaying the gas safety check WILL put your tenant at risk, you should contact them let them know why you recommend the checks should go ahead; despite the fact they are shielded/extremely vulnerable.
        1. If they agree to allow a gas engineer into their property to carry out the safety checks/work, you should ensure that the engineer follows the latest advice on Gov.uk, including guidance on working safely – other people’s homes
        2. If your tenant declines access to the property, the Health & Safety Executive’s standard policy on dealing with tenants will apply. You should keep a record of your contact with the tenant, including where you have identified that, in your view, the gas system is at higher risk and the gas safety check should be completed as soon as possible.

      In all circumstances, we strongly advise that you keep records of all communication and correspondence with the tenant, including emails and text messages if applicable.

      What the engineer must do: You should conduct your own assessment of the risks before entering any property; if you have concerns that the tenants are showing symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) you should not enter the property and the visit should be rearranged.

      On entering the property, you should be particularly vigilant in respect of social distancing and good hygiene. See working safely – other people’s homes for more guidance.

      BEIS has produced guidance on ‘in home and to home’ work https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/homes to advise you on how to work safely.

      In addition HSE has produced a guide https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/assets/docs/working-safely-guide.pdf to help you identify the risks and actions you should take to address these.

      I’ve been asked to carry out work in a household where there is a person who is classed as vulnerable. What should I do?

      Latest advice from government is that work can be carried out in homes of the clinically vulnerable, but workers should be particularly vigilant in respect of social distancing and good hygiene. See working safely – other people’s homes for more guidance.

      What the landlord must do:
      You should explain the importance of annual gas safety checks to your tenant and that the latest government advice is that work can be carried out in households that have clinically vulnerable members.

      If your tenant still declines access to the property, you must be able demonstrate that you have taken reasonable steps to arrange and reschedule the gas safety check; HSE’s usual advice on gaining access to the property applies in these circumstances:

      • leave the tenant a notice stating that an attempt was made to complete the gas safety check and provide your contact details
      • write to the tenant explaining that a safety check is a legal requirement and that it is for the tenant’s own safety. Give the tenant the opportunity to arrange their own appointment
      • HSE inspectors will look for repeated attempts to complete the gas safety check, including the above suggestions; however, the approach will need to be appropriate to each circumstance.

      We strongly advise that you keep records of communication and correspondence with the tenant, including emails and text messages if applicable.

      What the engineer must do: You should conduct your own assessment of the risks before entering any property; if you have concerns that the tenants are showing symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) you should not enter the property and the visit should be rearranged.

      On entering the property, you should be particularly vigilant in respect of social distancing and good hygiene. See working safely – other people’s homes for more guidance.

      BEIS has produced guidance on ‘in home and to home’ work https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/homes to advise you on how to work safely.

      In addition HSE has produced a guide https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/assets/docs/working-safely-guide.pdf to help you identify the risks and actions you should take to address these.

      Do I need to use PPE/face coverings when working in people’s homes?

      Government advice is that there is not a widespread benefit from wearing PPE which should be reserved for those who need to protect against infection risks e.g. in health and social care. Instead, the best way to protect yourself and others is to regularly wash your hands and to keep at least 2 metres between you and other people.

      Where you are already using PPE in your work activity to protect against non-COVID-19 risks, you should continue to do so; there is no need to wear additional PPE or a face covering.

      Please see the guidance on social distancing in the workplace here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/social-distancing-in-the-workplace-during-coronavirus-covid-19-sector-guidance

      Face coverings are not considered to be PPE as there is little evidence that they protect the wearer. However, if wearing a face covering makes the householder more comfortable and provides you with reassurance, you may wish to do so.

      Face coverings are not a replacement for the other ways of managing risk, including minimising time spent in contact and increasing hand and surface washing. More information can be found at section 6.1 in this document:


      The Householder is insisting I wear face coverings/PPE before they let me into their property. What should I do?

      Government advice is that there is not a widespread benefit from wearing PPE. Instead, the best way to protect yourself and others is to use regularly wash your hands and to keep at least 2 metres between you and other people. PPE specifically for protection against COVID-19 infection is generally only required for certain healthcare activities and is not required for work in people’s homes. You can refer the householder to the relevant government guidance https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/homes

      If the householder still doesn’t want to let you in, you should:

      If the work is not essential maintenance or repair work – this work can be postponed.

      Face coverings are not considered to be PPE as there is little evidence that they protect the wearer. However, if wearing a face covering makes the householder more comfortable and provides you with reassurance, you may wish to do so.

      Face coverings are not a replacement for the other ways of managing risk, including minimising time spent in contact and increasing hand and surface washing. More information can be found at section 6.1 in this document:

      1. If there is a gas emergency situation – you should contact the gas emergency service provider on 0800 111 999. They have the power to make an unsafe situation safe, including a right of entry into premise.
      1. If the property is rented – you should advise the landlord that the tenant has refused you entry into the premises. The landlord can then follow the guidance for landlords available via the Gas Safe Register website


      Advice for tenants:

      • I have been advised that I fall into the category of extremely clinically vulnerable (shielded) and my landlord wants to come to my home to undertake the Landlord gas safety checks, what should I do?

      Government advice is that people who are extremely clinically vulnerable (shielded) should minimise all interaction between themselves and others.

      If you have been advised by the government that you fall into this category, you should inform your landlord. Your landlord will need to consider the balance of risk presented by the gas system, with the risk to your health. This assessment will consider factors such as the age, type of appliance, previous maintenance/breakdown history and date of last gas safety check etc. In some situations, this assessment may indicate that the gas safety check should still go ahead to ensure your safety.

      If you agree to allow a gas engineer into your home to carry out the safety checks, you should be aware that the engineer will follow the latest advice on Gov.uk, including guidance on safer working – other people’s homes.

      If you decline access to your home for the gas safety checks to be undertaken, the landlord must rearrange the gas safety check to take place as soon as possible after your isolation period has ended.

      Your landlord can find out more about what is expected of them in respect of gas safety checks at this time on the Gas Safe Register website.

      In an emergency:
      If you smell gas, or if you have concerns about the safety of your appliances, you should call the gas emergency service provider on 0800 111 999, and switch off appliances until the gas emergency supplier, or a registered gas engineer, has attended and advised that the appliances are safe to use.

      • I have been advised that I fall into the category of clinically vulnerable and my landlord wants to come to my home to undertake the Landlord gas safety checks, should I agree to this?

      The latest advice from government is that work can be carried out in homes of the clinically vulnerable, this includes essential maintenance and repair work such as landlords gas safety checks.

      Workers should be particularly vigilant in respect of social distancing and good hygiene when working in the homes of the clinically vulnerable. See working safely – other people’s homes for more guidance. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19.

AD Gas Services Health and Safety Policy Statement

  1. Our Policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees, providing appropriate tools, equipment, operational processes and safe systems of work covering all our activities.
  2. Our management accepts the responsibility for applying the above and for providing information, instruction and training to achieve this purpose.
  3. We plan to minimise the risks created by work activities, products and services and to secure involvement and participation at all levels.
  4. We will assess risks to safety or health and implement all actions shown to be necessary.
  5. Should any of our activities endanger the health of any employee, such activities will be monitored and where necessary, arrangements for health surveillance made.
  6. Other people may be affected by our activities, e.g. visitors, neighbours, contractors etc., and our management accept the responsibility to provide appropriate levels of safety for them.
  7. Our commitment to this policy will assist us to develop a positive health and safety culture throughout all areas and activities.
  8. All Sub Contractors will be required to comply with all current Health and Safety legislation.

Introduction to the AD Gas Services Health and Safety Statement

AD Gas Services recognises its responsibility to secure the safety, health and welfare of employees. This safety Statement specifies the arrangements made for this to be carried out, including available resources, the names of responsible persons, the co-operation required from employees, consultation procedures and available information.

Review of the Health and Safety Statement

The Quality Representative will review this Statement and Policy annually.

Communication of the Health and Safety Statement to Employees

It is important that this Statement is read and acknowledged by all employees. It willl be presented at induction to new employees and made available at all times thereafter.

Health and Safety Training

All employees need to know about:
The Health and Safety Policy
The structure and system for delivering this Policy
The risks in their work activities that apply to them
 Where applicable, The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, most importantly Part 3 which covers the Health and Safety duties and roles of designers and contractors.
All employees will receive induction training. Such training will cover Fire-Procedures, Warning Systems, actions to be taken on receiving warning, locations of exits/escape routes, evacuation and Assembly Procedures, First Aid/Injury Reporting Procedures, names of First Aiders/Appointed Persons, issue of protective clothing/equipment and its use, instruction under COSHH, compulsory protection areas, thorough instruction applicable to their particular duties at work etc.
Training needs will be reviewed as a result of job changes, promotion, as a result of new activities or new technology, following an accident/incident and as a result of performance appraisal. Records of training will be kept for all employees.

Arrangements for Communication with Employees on Safety Matters

It is the policy of AD Gas Services to co-operate with representatives of recognised Trade Unions or those elected as representatives of employee safety, so that Health and Safety can be promoted and controlled effectively.

Apply for Insulation